ICCE 2013 - Modelling, Management and Risk Assessment

Modelling, Management and Risk Assessment - Oral Communications
Wednesday 26 June 2013 - WTC
  Chairs: Mathieu Cladiere / Joaquin Comas
15.20-16.00 A-KN12-Modelling: Andrea Emilio Rizzoli, IDSIA, Univ. Southern Switzerland,  Switzerland: “Advances in software system for supporting environmental decision making”
16.00-16.20 A-OM1: A. Malik, IDAEA-CSIC, Spain: Resolution of environmental pollution profiles in polluted river waters by chemometric methods              
16.20-16.40 A-OM2: S. Kralisch,Univ. Jena, Germany: Integrated environmental modelling with JAMS
16.40-17.00 A-OM3: M. Dalmau, LEQUIA, Spain: Membrane bioreactor modeling: deterministic vs data driven models
17.00-17.20 A-OM4: H. Wöhrnschimmel, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland: Modelling the environmental legacy of technical HCH usage and Lindane production
17.20-17.40 A-OM5: E. Turrini, Univ. Brescia, Italy: Integrated assessment modelling to plan local optimal air quality policies harmonized with national and European actions
17.40-18.00 A-OM6: A. M. Buser, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland: Physicochemical properties of dimethylsiloxanes and their impact on the environmental fate 
Friday 28 June 2013 - WTC
  Chairs: Andreas Buser / Miquel Sanchez
14.00-14.40 A-KN16-Modelling: Manuel Poch, LEQUIA-UdG, Spain: “Decisions in wastewater systems: different tools for different decisions' levels”
14.40-15.00 A-OM7: S. Zhang, Univ. Toronto-Scarborough, Canada: Integrating near-field and far-field environmental fate and exposure models for screening-level exposure and risk assessment
15.00-15.20 A-OM8: S. Schenker, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland: Will Persistent Organic Pollutants reach a global equilibrium distribution?
15.20-15.40 A-OM9: M. Cladiere, LEESU, France: Assessing the impact of global change on micropollutants in aquatic ecosystems: Modelling the fate of nonylphenolic compounds in the Seine River